Monday, November 9, 2009

Private Corporations Profit From The Occupation Of Palestine

- The Gaza Strip is the most densely populated places on earth
- 1.5 million people living within 140 square miles
- It's the largest open air prison in the world

- Israel controls 90% of land around The Gaza Strip
- Import export controlled by Israel so that they can’t go anywhere else

- Palestine people built over 1000 tunnels to smuggle flour, milk, cheese, cigarettes, computers, livestock, and any other essentials

- This is fueled by corporate interests in making money through supplying rebuilding materials, weapons, checkpoints, roads

-The United States is the primary source for weaponry and funding for Israel. They have supplied F-16 fighter planes,Apache Helicopters, tanks, and tactical missiles.

-The 7 days article talks about how the United States supplied the white phosphorous which was used against civilians and a UN base making it a war crime.

- it’s the business of war ( too profitable to stop it )

Gaza 2009: We Will Never Forget

Who Profits:
Boycott Israel

List of companies

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